Web scraper and RSS feed generator with Spring Boot

Rich Site Summary (RSS) is not quite state-of-art technology but thanks to its simplicity RSS feeds are still useful nowadays.

In this post I’ll show you how you can parse websites and provide your own RSS feed with Spring Boot and few useful libraries such as JSoup and ROME.

Please note: This post isn’t a step-by-step tutorial. The source code with fully working example can be found on GitHub.

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Run performance test on your endpoints with JMeter

Recently I was testing and comparing cloud functions services. For this purpose the JMeter was chosen to provide simple single endpoint test. Today I’d like to share the whole process with you. It’s really easy, so let’s go through it.

In this short tutorial you’ll learn how to use JMeter to run simple performance test for single web service endpoint (or a website) using HTTP/HTTPS requests and generate the test report.

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Send push notifications from Spring Boot server-side application using FCM

As you probably noticed, I familiarize myself with the subject of Firebase Cloud Messaging push notifications recently.

This time I would like to share with you my push notifications server-side application. The app is made with the Spring Boot framework.

The provided example covers most common notifications sending use cases such as: sending push notification to a topic, directly to the users’ device, or sending messages with additional data payload.

This post is not a step-by-step tutorial. I’ll focus on the most important parts. A fully working example is available on GitHub.

If you don’t have a client-side application to receive push notifications yet, you should consider the use of the Ionic app I described earlier. Have fun!

Continue reading Send push notifications from Spring Boot server-side application using FCM

Serving robots.txt in Spring Boot application

What is robots.txt file?

The robots.txt file is a text file standard widely used in websites. Basically it tells search engine robots and other crawlers which pages and areas on your websites are allowed/disallowed for them to follow.

Continue reading Serving robots.txt in Spring Boot application