Console output unit testing in the Kotlin application

Are you looking for a way to test your console output (println()) in your Kotlin project?

In this post, I’m going to walk you through the process of creating a simple project setup that allows you to unit test the console output of the application.

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Provide basic security for your Spring Boot application with Spring Security and Kotlin

When you’re creating your REST API, most of the time you don’t want it to be publically accessible. Moreover, sometimes you’d like to restrict certain paths for users with specific roles (for example administrators).

In this blog post, I’m going to provide very basic Spring Security integration for Spring Boot application written in Kotlin language.

Please note that I’m using the example REST API I provided in the previous article. So if you don’t have your Spring Boot REST API built yet, move through the steps I described there.

Continue reading Provide basic security for your Spring Boot application with Spring Security and Kotlin

REST API with Spring Boot and MongoDB using Kotlin

If you think about Kotlin you could probably think about Android and mobile development.
It’s true. When Google announced Kotlin as the preferred language for the Android platform, its overall popularity increased sharply.

According to The State of Developer Ecosystem 2019, the survey made by JetBrains (Kotlin language creators), 62% of Kotlin-based apps were mobile. But 41% of Kotlin projects were related to web back-end development.

Indeed, Kotlin may be a good choice for server-side development. Among other frameworks, Kotlin is one of the officially supported languages of the Spring Framework.

In this text, I’d like to show you how easy it is to create a Spring application using Kotlin. I’m going to implement a simple CRUD REST API with Spring Boot and MongoDB as a database using Kotlin as a language.

So, get started with implementation and try it yourself.

Continue reading REST API with Spring Boot and MongoDB using Kotlin

Run performance test on your endpoints with JMeter

Recently I was testing and comparing cloud functions services. For this purpose the JMeter was chosen to provide simple single endpoint test. Today I’d like to share the whole process with you. It’s really easy, so let’s go through it.

In this short tutorial you’ll learn how to use JMeter to run simple performance test for single web service endpoint (or a website) using HTTP/HTTPS requests and generate the test report.

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